Tony Castro

Tony Castro is a world-class designer with a career spanning 35 years of numerous successes and awards in both Sailing and Motoryachts.. He is amongst the very few designers that is both a champion Sailor himself, a Naval Architect and an Exterior/Interior Designer/Stylist, and his office is able to deliver a complete package if required. Tony likes to design no-nonsense yachts, well designed and engineered. Yachts that “work” as they should and insofar as possible not influenced purely by fashion or ridiculous ideas. Solutions that respect the Sea both its power and its delicate ecological balance. Yachts should be seaworthy, comfortable, reliable and represent value-for-money. That is our obligation to our Clients. When embarking on a new project, Tony takes a client’s wishes through an engaging concept design process, starting from simple sketches and illustrations , through to computer animations and visualisation in order to ensure the client sees exactly what it will be like in reality. We like to “listen” and then develop the design to suit the Client. Together with the best computer tools available we fine-tune the design from the hull shape to its Exterior and Interior layout. Last but not least we aim to make the experience enjoyable and fun for our Clients and their families.

Tony Castro